Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Light and is celebrated in November or December. In 2024, it will be celebrated on the 25th December and for the eight days following. The festival celebrates a miracle that happened over 2000 years ago. The Jewish people fought …
National Schools Breakfast Week 2024
This week is National Schools Breakfast Week! And we’re all for celebrating the importance of breakfast too! Within the very meaning of its name… Breakfast literally means ‘breaking the fast’ by kick-starting the body and day with some form of essential fuel. Sometimes we get …
Let’s talk …Food Waste… and it’s not just a load of old rubbish!
The calendar of 2024 features several different awareness days relating to the hot topic of Food Waste… UK Compost Week took place back in early March, Food Waste Action Week was held between 18-27th March and the 17th April marks Stop Food Waste Day! Food …
Slow Cooker Sessions at Coppice Valley Primary, Harrogate
Back in Autumn 2023, the Family Support Worker for Coppice Valley Primary School approached their local PhunkyFoods Engagement and Development Coordinator (EDC), Beth, to work together on a family engagement programme. This aim of the initiative was to support families with their health and wellbeing, …
International Wholegrain Day 2023
What are wholegrains? Many carbohydrate products are made using cereal grains. Standard or white carbohydrates such as bread or pasta are made using the endosperm part of the grain, this is the starchy part. The germ and the bran are removed during the milling process …
PhunkyFoods at Appleby Primary
Appleby Primary School has six Phunky Foods ambassadors from Year Four who have worked together with Gill, our Phunky Foods representative, to help promote the importance of a balanced diet. They have used resources from our Phunky Foods box, such as the Eatwell guide poster …
Phunky Findings of an EDC!
What I love about the PhunkyFoods philosophy is that nothing is seen as ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ when it comes to food and it’s all about having a go, finding balance and helping people to make sensible decisions. In my relatively short time as a PhunkyFoods …