The Healthy school ambassadors at Lindfield Primary School recently judged the Strive for 5 poster competition they had created with the help of their local Engagement and Development Coordinator Caroline. The Strive for 5 message highlights to children the importance of eating at least five portions of different fruits and vegetables every day!
The quality of the entries for the Strive for 5 poster competition were superb. The posters were colourful and vibrant and contained so many amazing facts. All the children had worked so hard and the Healthy Schools ambassadors couldn’t have been more impressed. They wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who entered and they said their job as judges was so hard because of the high standard.
They chose a winner and a runner up for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and Maple class Year 2 submitted the most entries from one class! See the winning entries below!