The Benefits
Benefits for Schools
- A complete pre-planned programme for teaching key, consistent healthy lifestyles messages across all year groups, from Early Years to Year 6.
- Flexible for delivery
- A lively cross-curricular approach to teaching healthy lifestyles in-line with current national recommendations through art, music, history, drama and a real hands-on approach to food.
- Supports learning across all primary curriculum subjects and inspection frameworks in England, Scotland and Wales
- Supporting key targets from both National and Local Healthy Schools Programmes
- Supporting Government’s “Change4Life” initiative
- Supporting key targets from the Government’s Call to Action on Obesity: Healthy Lives, Healthy People
- Empowering individuals
- Helping children and young people to understand the risks associated with unhealthy behaviours and to make the right connections with health
Benefits for Public Health Teams
- A simple turnkey solution to complement and embed into local childhood obesity strategy
- A cost-effective, evidence-based programme ensuring consistency of messages
- Supports learning across all primary curriculum subjects and inspection frameworks in England, Scotland and Wales
- A lively cross-curricular approach to teaching healthy lifestyles in line with current national recommendations through art, music, history, drama and a real hands-on approach to food
- Meets NICE/SIGN guidelines for Early Years and School Settings
- Incorporates a carefully considered evaluation design in line with relevant areas of the National Obesity Observatory's Standard Evaluation Framework (SEF)
- Nurtures schools to become a supportive environment for behaviour change
- Incorporates family and peer support
- Supporting key targets from both National and Local Healthy Schools Programmes
- Supporting the Government's "Change4Life" initiative
- Supporting the Responsibility Deal's core commitments and pledges
- Supporting key targets from the Government's Call to Action on Obesity: Healthy Lives, Healthy People
- Empowering individuals
- Aiding local authorities in driving local health improvement
- Helping children and young people to understand the risks associated with unhealthy behaviours and to make the right connections with health